In my language

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Back to Life...

Some events in life make us realize that life is more than what we think. 

Resting, settling, stability, and security in life only come after death for humans.

As we are humans, we have to live life to the fullest and be unique to all humans who lived on this earth... or we should have an imprint on this earth as long as humanity exists or even earth's existence.

Friday, December 30, 2022

How much fast we are moving? It depends..

All humans, animals, and things on earth move Around Earth at 1670 km/hr =0.46 km/sec

Earth around Sun: 107 Million Km/hr= 29.72 km/sec

Sun(solar system) moves roughly in the direction of the bright star Vega in the constellation of Lyra: 70000 km/hr

Sun(Solar system)  around the Milky Way in one galactic year: 792000 km/hr (After birth of solar system we did compete just 20 times)

Milky Way Galaxy moving in the direction of the sky that is defined by the constellations of Leo and Virgo: 2.1 million km/hr

Monday, December 26, 2022

Life is at cross roads...

 Now I am 32+ and have 27+ years of service If I retire at the age of 60 years i.e by 26th May 2050. Considering my body kept me inside it till that time. If the body supports me fully, I can continue my hobby of learning and teaching till 2060 or even till 2070 (80 years of age).

No job in this world guarantees life to the fullest of 100 years, without any painful diseases or body infirmity. Except for your own habits like a good diet, and good physical and mental activities (walking, yoga, meditation). 

Many peoples lives are becoming upside down. PadmaBhushan awardees, Ministry of particular things has to stay in those entities jails only. Life is so uncertain and its bad for those who do bad or who has bad intentions. 

Stay upright, speak truth, and life will be fine for you.