In my language

Monday, November 12, 2012

what is an Ideal Teacher ???

Arey Seenuga!!!

In my opinion Ideal Teacher should have these following qualities...
1. Shouldn't have any discrimination on their students.
2. Ultimate goal of a teacher is,to teach  students and make students to be learned.
3. Teacher should know each student's skills on their subject and about the other skills which student has more interest.
4. Teacher should be very very friendly with students,and Student can able to discuss all the things from class to home/hostel. (Personal problems or happiness).
5. Teacher should be able to teach like,entire class be able to understand the taughts.
6. Teacher needs to be track every student's status,and able to give right suggestions to students.
7. Teacher doesn't talk about marks,Always his target is to teach everybody so that each student got understood. And don't prepare students to exams or marks. Prepare them towards Concepts and Learning habits,and then automatically they will manage Exams.
8. "Don't write any thing on the board" or "Don't tell anything to the students" untill unless you know the concept clearly.
9. Don't use books while teaching. For questions or examples you can use books,but not for solutions.
10.Always ready to doubts like WHY ? HOW ?
11.Don't be serious with students.
12.Don't judge and differentiate students with their marks.
13.Always ask a question yourself, How students are following my teaching ?

If it is very less,then what is the reason ?(Whether my teaching is not good). 

If it is more, then why all are not coming first in class ?(Whether other students have personal problems like family or health..)
14.Able to do whatever he wants(you can use different teaching styles) ,but all things' target is,students to be learned.... and all works should be friendly.


These all are Not mine...these are taken from Nalanda and Taksashila Universities Guidlines.

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